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Trusting in the Names of God

By Shareen Crawford

In the transformation of my life, God's faithfulness has consistently revealed itself in the most profound ways, and last year was no exception. Faced with the sudden illness of my eldest daughter, a challenge that saw her fighting for her life, God became an unwavering and comforting presence throughout our family's journey. Known by many names, each revealing a different facet of His character, God emerged not as a distant deity but as a faithful companion who shows up precisely when we need Him.

As life seemed to unravel, and challenges felt insurmountable, the name El Shaddai, God Almighty, became our source of strength. It wasn't that God underwent a transformation, but in seeking the Almighty, we discovered an unyielding power to face adversity. Trust blossomed as we recognized that God's strength was not only sufficient but unwavering. This revelation empowered my family to call upon the Lord, El Shaddai, gaining strength when we thought we couldn't continue.

Loneliness, a struggle often hidden, became a palpable reality in our difficult season. As friends faded away, the name Jehovah-Shammah, the Lord Is There, became a reassuring presence in moments of loneliness and despair. Our perception transformed as we sought His constant companionship, dispelling the shadows of isolation. It wasn't that God altered; rather, we transformed in understanding His ever-present friendship, becoming a beacon of hope.

Last year, our lives changed rapidly, and we faced the need for healing in my daughter's body. In the fragility of our human experience, the name Jehovah-Rapha, the Lord Who Heals, spoke volumes. Through physical and emotional trials, we discovered a healing balm in God's presence. Trust grew as we embraced the reality that God, as our ultimate Healer, can mend even the most broken parts of our lives. We're still seeking him for complete healing.

Amidst decision fatigue, navigating complex choices for our daughter's health with limited data, the name Jehovah-Tsidkenu, the Lord Our Righteousness, guided our steps. Aligning our lives with His principles led to a transformation within us. While God remained steadfast, our perception of righteousness expanded. This deepening connection birthed faithfulness, recognizing that God's way is the path to true righteousness.

In moments of uncertainty, where the future seemed shrouded in mystery, the revelation of God as Yahweh, the Self-Existing One, became an anchor for our souls. His unchanging nature provided assurance. Our understanding grew, and trust flourished as we recognized that the Self-Existing One holds our past, present, and future in His sovereign hands, knowing what's best for us.

Throughout our lives, the names of God serve as signposts in our spiritual journey. God's character remains constant, yet our evolving understanding transforms our relationship with Him. In seeking, trusting, and unfolding His names, we discover a God who is always on time, always present, and always precisely what we need.

As we continue this path, may our encounters with El Shaddai, Jehovah-Shammah, Jehovah-Rapha, Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Yahweh, and other names of God deepen our trust, strengthen our faithfulness, and bring hope to seemingly hopeless situations. In the unchanging nature of God, we find the ever-present source of transformation and grace.

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