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Is This It?!

I had a moment, if I’m being honest, I’ve had lots of moments where I have asked God-Is this it?! Is this all life has to offer? I know, I am not the only woman who posed this question to God. And I don’t think that God is afraid of this question I think He welcomes it. In Philippians 4:11-12, we can discover the secret to true contentment.

The amazing apostle Paul, wrote these words from a tiny prison cell, far from the comfort of his home. Yet, he boldly proclaims, "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am." Talk about perspective! Paul challenges us to rethink our idea of happiness and satisfaction. True contentment isn't about chasing external desires; it's a state of mind that stems from trusting God's plan.

We must have perspective in every situation or season of life. Forget the pressure to keep up with the world's standards. Contentment reminds us that our true value lies within. It's not about having it all; which is a complete lie to begin with! It's about appreciating what we already have. So, let's take a moment to count our blessings. It’s cheesy but perhaps we need to take this moment to pop our heads up and truly see all that God has blessed us with because at one point you prayed for these very things. The benchmark will always move if you can’t stop and be content with what you already have.

It’s a simple truth that gratitude can shift your perspective and fuel you with joy. When we embrace a grateful heart, we see through a different lens. Gratitude turns discontent into contentment, and it fuels our joy tank. The messy house is full of love and memories. The active kids that drain you of all your energy are alive and healthy. The busyness of life could turn into the rhythms of grace. So, let's sprinkle gratitude into every aspect of our lives and watch as joy blooms no matter the circumstances.

Lastly, laugh. Sisters, let's remember not to take ourselves too seriously. This is something I must get better at myself. My Sister/Best friend is great fun; as we often say, ‘she is the fun one!’ Embrace the silly, find joy in the everyday moments, and let laughter light up our lives. Don’t be so taken by the hardships of life. If anything we can recognize the hardships of life and enjoy the sweet moments of joy when they come. Pulse a good giggle is a surefire way to nurture lasting contentment. Sweet Sis, this is it and it is beautiful.

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