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Embracing Change: Changing Seasons, Changing Hearts

As the leaves begin to change and a crispness fills the air, we can't help but sense the shift in the season from summer to fall. Just like the world around us, our spiritual lives also go through seasons of change. There’s a shift happening whether we want to experience it or not, we might as well welcome the change. Sigh, easier said than done, right? I know, I have been in a constant season of change and no matter how much I resist; I never win. It has revealed a deep longing to have control over ALL things. Come on, God, don’t you know I have a plan and I am trying to reach all my goals and desires YOU’VE placed in my heart? Perhaps, you feel the same.

In the spirit of change and growth, let's remember that the God who orchestrates the seasons is also guiding our lives. He doesn’t make mistakes. He literally can not make a mistake. So why is it so hard to completely trust him? It’s me, not you Lord. As cliche as that sounds. It’s never our loving God, it’s always us. The sin that gives us the blemish that we can never make ourselves clean. We need Jesus as our advocate to make us whole.

1 John 2:1-2 reveals: “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father – Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.”

May we change our perspective on change as an opportunity for Jesus to reveal himself in new ways to us as our seasons change within our spiritual lives. The hand of our creator is gentle, who will meet mine and your resistance with tenderness and love. However, make no mistake, we have a loving Father whose ways are higher than ours. So, if something deep within us needs to be extracted, may we trust that He knows what’s best for us in His goodness. Even though it may hurt like crazy! May we surrender our need for control in every situation and trust the Righteous One to set us on a righteous path.

Sweet Sis, do you notice a change in your current season? Are you meeting it with resistance or as an opportunity? Together, we can make this season one of deep spiritual growth and lasting connections.

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