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Pain Has an "And," Not a Period

Have you ever felt like your life was a series of never-ending trials? That just as one problem resolves, another emerges, shadowing any...

From Wallflower to Warrior: My Journey

I want to share a very personal story with you today. It’s about my transformation from a shy little girl, who would often hide behind...

Blooms & Blessings

Isn't it just wonderful to see all the flowers popping up after the cold, dreary winter? Everywhere you look, there’s a splash of...

A Tale of Two Wishes

There are moments in life that feel like a wish come true. Recently, my family experienced such a moment, a miraculous journey enabled by...

Embracing HERstory: The Pillars of Faith

In the tapestry of faith, woven through the ages, there is a golden thread, often overlooked yet fundamentally crucial to its beauty and...

Drawn Near

In a world that often feels fragmented and isolated, the timeless parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) offers us a profound...

Trusting in the Names of God

By Shareen Crawford In the transformation of my life, God's faithfulness has consistently revealed itself in the most profound ways, and...

Mary, Did You Know?

In the quiet, reflective moments of motherhood, a question lingers in the air during this time of year: "Mary, did you know?" This...

Gatherings with Grace

Picture this: a simple, yet profound scene where Jesus shares a meal with people from every walk of life. His approach to fellowship was...

Unlock Faith's Hidden Joy

Do you ever feel like you're on a spiritual treadmill, going through the motions without truly connecting with God? You're not alone!...

Blog: Blog2
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